Accessibility for Websites & Apps

Accessibility for Websites & Apps

Two 3-Hour Sessions, Taught live via Zoom
Saturdays,10/12 & 10/19, 9:00a- 12:00p PT

Instructor: Devon Persing, Accessibility Consultant

Also available as a team training for groups of 8+. Learn more here.

Why Take This Course?
Making websites and apps usable (and enjoyable) experiences for all types of consumers, whether their physical skills are limited or not, should be the goal of every project. It’s not only a legal requirement in many cases. It’s also a moral obligation, and a smart marketing and branding practice. While it’s not hard to agree with the importance of accessible design, coming up with an efficient and cost-effective process for implementing accessibility features is a challenge for many organizations — one we’ll overcome with the training provided in this workshop.

Course Description
Through discussion, presentation, and interactive exercises, we’ll cover these topics (and others) as we pursue a thorough understanding of best practices in accessible design:

  • Accessible design solutions for users with vision, auditory, mobility or intellectual disabilities.

  • Using mini-ethnographies to learn about and design for users with disabilities and their specific needs

  • Approaching the design philosophies of Universal Design vs. Ability-Based Design

  • A deep dive into WCAG – the international standard for accessibility conformance

  • Accessibility annotations for design handoff to developers

  • Tools for testing and fixing accessibility issues

  • How to bring accessibility to your workplace, whether grassroots or establishing a formal process

Prerequisites and Requirements
There are no prerequisites, but we recommend you have a dual-monitor setup when you take this class.

View Class Outline